Friday, 27 March 2015

6 Types Of Relationships That May Never Work Out

We go into a relationship for so many reasons, while some go into it for genuine reasons, others go into it just for the fun of it.

It breaks my heart when i hear stories about relationships crashing. I even know of someone that threw a party to celebrate her one year old relationship. Prior to that, she has been having failing relationships, she even had one that lasted for only a week.

Below are some type of relationships that may never work out.

1. A Lie-driven Relationship
A lie-driven relationship is a kind of relationship that is built on a lie told by one or the both parties in the relationship. Once the foundation of a relationship is built on lies, the relationship will definitely collapse sooner or later.

It could be a lie told about the past, career, families and even the future. It is often said that once a person lies, he/she can cover up that single lie with 10 more lies. There is deception in this kind of relationship. If you want a successful relationshiop, build the foundation of the relationship on the truth
2. Money-driven Relationship
It is natural to ensure that you are with a man that can be a good provider or protector. But when the size of a man's pocket or wallet becomes the only reason why a relationship exists, it becomes a money-driven relationship.

In this kind of relationship, money determines how you relate with your partner, once there is money, the love is there and vice verca.

3. A Sex-driven Relationship

This type of relationship is the most common in this our generation. This kind of relationship is driven by lust and the parties involved have the tendency to judge themselves with their sexual abilities. Thus, when it comes to other aspect of the relationship, the partners may find themselves hardly compartible, which may lead to failure in the relationship. 

 4. Fear-driven Relationship

Some people enter or stay in a relationship because of different kinds of fears. Some enter into a relationship because they fear they might never get married, while some others enter into an abusive relationship, and fight to keep it alive because of the fear of loosing the second party. To move on ahead in life, one must deal with fear and become more confident in relationship and career.

5. Class-driven Relationship

In a class-driven relationship, the partners are drawn to each other because of their family businesses, political, financial or social ties. The couples are groomed to believe that they can only marry within a particular social class of people, irrespective of whether they are in love or not. This type of relationship often last long because love is an important ingridient of a long lasting relationship.

6. A Lust-driven Relationship

In a  relationship driven strictly by lustful fantasy, everyday is filled with illusory romance. This kind of relationship is unrealistic, because life is full of ups and down. Lust driven relationships always end as soon as the realities of life begin to hit hard at it, because the relationship is not driven by love.

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