Friday 6 November 2015

Have a taste of that juicy water melon today;)

Watermelon is one fruit a lot of people love and even some others cannot go a day without having a taste of it. Though, popular beliefs is based on the fact that watermelon is made up of only water and sugar, but it will excite you to know that your favorite watermelon is actually considered a nutrient dense food, a food that provides a high amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for a low amount of calories.

Health facts:
One cup of diced watermelon (152 grams) contains 43 calories, 0 grams of fat, 2 grams of sodium, 11 grams of carbohydrate (including 9 grams of sugar) and 1 gram of fiber. One cup of watermelon will provide 17% of vitamin A, 21% of vitamin C, 2% of iron and 1% of calcium needs for the day.
Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like watermelon decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight.
Water melon can also be taken when on is dehydrated because of its water content.

Here are some interesting  facts about the watermelon.

  • Not only does it quench your thirst, it can also quench inflammation that contributes to conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis.
  • Over 1,200 varieties of watermelon are grown worldwide.
  • Watermelon is an ideal health food because it doesn’t contain any fat or cholesterol, is high in fiber and vitamins A & C and is a good source of potassium.
  • Pink watermelon is also a source of the potent carotenoid antioxidant, lycopene. These powerful antioxidants travel through the body neutralizing free radicals.
  • Watermelon is a vegetable! It is related to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash.
  • Early explorers used watermelons as canteens.
  • Watermelon is grown in over 96 countries worldwide.

  • Every part of a watermelon is edible, even the seeds and rinds.
For those who don't like watermelon, with all of its health and nutritional benefits, I'm sure you wouldn't hesitate to have a taste of that juicy watermelon today ;)

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