Friday, 30 January 2015

7 Fashion Faux Pas Every Lady Should Avoid

As a lady, there are some fashion faux pas we shouldn't be caught doing, a lady should be known for class. 
When i say fashion faux pas,  i mean "fashion blunders" ranging from leaving the house in rumpled clothes, wearing clothes that doesn't even fit at all, or  wearing shoes that you can't even walk in. Here are some fashion blunders a lady should never be caught committing.

1. Wearing Clothes That Shows Your Pant Lines

Never! I repeat, never wear a cloth that reveals your pant lines. Instead, put on pants that barely as visible lines beneath your cloth.

2. Wearing Shoes You Can't Walk In

Comfort should be one's piority when thinking about the shoe to wear to a certain outfit. Why wear a shoes you're not comfortable with? or a shoe you can't walk with. Always choose a shoe you will be comfortable wearing, not a shoe that won't allow you walk freely.

3. Wearing Clothes That Doesn't Fit Properly

We should always try to avoid wearing clothes that are either undersized or oversized. I see so many ladies putting clothes that will even be difficult for them to button up properly.

4. Over Accessorizing

Too much of everything is not, try to be moderate when it comes to using your accessories, see so many ladies using so many accessories all in the name of fashion.

5. Mixing Too Many Trends At Once.

Don't say become some certain things are trending so you have to go inline with the recent fashion trends by mixing different trends together at once. It is very common with we Nigerian ladies, we tend to mix certain trend at once.

6. Camel Toes

Lots of ladies are guilty of this, it means wearing clothes that outlines your private region. So many ladies wear trousers, leggings, shorts to mention few, that has a tight fitting all in the name of fashion. And to crown it all, they wear short tops on them. We ladies should try to avoid  tightly fitting cloths that can outline our private region, and we should also try to wear long tops on our pants (trousers), especially our leggings.

7. Excessive Makeup


I always wonder why some ladies go extra miles to over use their makeup, is it that they work in a paint industry? lol. We ladies should try to be moderate in anything we do, like said earlier, too much of everything is not good.  As a lady, we ought to makeup less so that we won't end up looking like a masqurade. 

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