Saturday, 10 January 2015

#TDNFRelationship: 6 Things a Woman Should Never Do For a Man

In order to live a fulfilled life, there are things a woman should never do for a man. Love is powerful, but it shouldn't dictate your every move. It's important to care about others, but you shouldn't sacrifice your happiness for someone else's. If you want to live comfortably, here are few things a woman should never do for a man.

1. Give Up Her Dreams

One of the things a woman should never do for a man is let go of her dreams in order to be with him. You shouldn't have to choose between your man or your dreams. If you love one another, you should be able to find a way to make things work.

2. Change Her Morals

Everyone has a different set of morals, and there's nothing wrong with that. However, your man should try to respect your morals even if he doesn't shares them. He should like you for who you are, and shouldn't try to change you. Your strong morals should be something he admires, not something he wishes to change.

3. Alter Her Appearance

If you have a man that pressurizes  you  to dress a certain way or to get a surgery done, you don't need him. Its your body, and you are in charge of it. If he doesn't see your natural beauty, then you should look for someone else who does.

4. Let Him Control Her

As much as you love him,you should never let him have total control over your life. It is your life, and you have a total control over it. Your partner  only has a little say over your life.

5. Forget Whom She  Is

You know your likes and dislikes, don't let a man alter your opinion on things. Don't pretend to like something you hate  in order to please him or because you think it will make him happy. Be whom you are, there's no point pretending.

6. Starve Yourself

Never starve yourself because you wanna please your partner, loosing weight should be your choice and not your partner's.

When you're in love, your  partner is bound to become a massive part of your life, however, that doesn't grant him authority over your decisions. Have you ever done something for a man that you now regret? You can share  with us by commenting below.

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